
Welcome to my Original Characters Gallery!! These are characters that mostly appear in my fanfictions! Which means they are copyrighted by me and you MUST have permission from me to reproduce any of these characters or too post any of this art!!! Just a note...The thumbnails are small and thus the quality is poor compaired to the larger don't be afraid to click!

Make sure you go visit the stories where these people are from @ !!!!!

Ja ne!

Last updated on...*With new art added, too!*
July 28, 2001

Exercise that pointer finger and look at my art!
This is Viozanda. He is the bad guy in "Love is the Cure"!! (I haven't posted enough of the parts for you to see him yet. sniff)
This is Janai. She is from the fanfic "Crossing Pasts" which also is not yet complete. I have to add one thing though...I made her look WAY too young!! She looks like Amelia's age! But really she's about 23 or 24! ^-^
This is actually my friend's rendition of herself! Her name is Chibi Kati-chan! She doesn't have a site of her I thought I'd post it here for her!!
This is another picture of Janai where she's sitting and really looks her age >.< Teehee. The symbols on her arm will be explained in later parts of Crossing keep checking for when I post them! Oh yes...and her bangs are not all spikey because her hair is wet, just thought I'd point that out. ^-^
Click me! That's all so go back to the Fanart page!
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